“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a very important announcement
to make,” says the world’s greatest storyteller, Lord Jeffrey Archer. “England
will win the world cup.”

Jeffrey Archer was in Mumbai for the launch of his much
awaited book, the Fifth series to the Clifton Chronicles, “Mightier than the
Sword.” (Here's a picture of my autographed copy!)
If you haven’t read his earlier books yet, stop reading my blog and
go buy them all. I got 3 copies of the new one… Excitement, you see.
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” he says. “This morning, a
lady asked me what I was going to do after finishing the Clifton Chronicles.
Well I’m going to write a book of short stories."
Archer continues, “The last time I was in Mumbai, a young
boy asked me – why don’t you write a book about India? And I said I can’t
because you really can’t write something you don’t know about. You must write what
you feel comfortable with. But I want to let you know, in the next book (number
6), there are 8 chapters in Mumbai. Because Sebastian…. I’m going to tell you
just a little bit, but not too much… Sebastian, the son of Emma and Harry,
falls in love with a beautiful Indian girl. But there’s a problem. They meet in
London. And she is preparing for an arranged marriage. He decides to come to
Mumbai and win her back. But I am not going to tell you what happens. You will
have to buy my next book.”
“Do you know what?” he asks. “On the way from the airport to
the city, a little boy with a pile of books tapped on my window. I wound the
window down and he said, “Would you like the latest Jeffrey Archer?” And I said
‘I am the latest Jeffrey Archer.’ This is called Indian enterprise.”
“I didn’t start writing until the age of 32, because I
wanted to be a Politician. The first book I wrote was Not a Penny More… Not A
Penny Less!” said Archer
“I’ve heard a lot of myths about that book. It only sold
3000 copies in hard back. And then I wrote a book called Kane and Abel and that
sold a million books in the first week. It’s just coming up for its 100th
reprint. It’s sold 37 million 700 thousand.”
“I wondered if there was anyone else alive who had written a
book that had 100 reprints in his lifetime and I think I found one. To Kill a
Mockingbird sold 14 million.
If you put together ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’ and ‘Kane and
Abel,' it hasn’t sold as many copies as ‘50 Shades of Gray!!
Will I be going in for Erotica? NOPE!! I will stick to what
I do.”
What is the title of
your 6th book?

I don’t know. I always tell everyone, I am a storyteller,
not a writer. I don’t know what’s going to happen. In this book, number 5, it
ends with you having to find out what’s in a letter. And once you know what’s
in the letter, the story can continue. But when I finished this book,
I didn’t know what was in the letter.
And that’s because I’m a story teller. I’ll tell you as soon as I know.
Of all the books you
have written, which one is your favourite?
I’m sentimental about ‘Not A Penny More… Not A Penny Less’.
I am aware that ‘Kane and Abel’ changed my life. But the Clifton chronicles
have given me more happiness and pleasure than anything else.
First among equals
has 4 friends who want to be in the Parliament, and in the subsequent versions
you knock off one. Why change?
In America they wanted 3 not 4. It’s now back to 4 in
America. Stupid Americans, they don’t understand the British Parliament system.
They’re one nation we can beat at cricket *laughs*
Would you like to see
the Clifton chronicles made into a movie?
Here’s the news. The first hour has been written in script.
The next 7 hours have been planned. We have a budget and actors. On March 17th,
we’re flying to Hollywood and tomorrow I’m having breakfast with an Indian producer,
Ronnie Screwvala because I’m looking for Partners in India, US. Britain and
Australia. I’m rather hoping there will be an Indian input. It won’t be Bollyowood..because
Bollywood stole ‘Kane and Abel.’ What was the name of it? - ‘Khuddar!’ Just as
bad as the little boy who asked me if I want the latest Jeffrey Archer.
Can we expect a
sequel to ‘Not A Penny More… Not A Penny Less?’
If I live to a hundred, and I will, I’m going to write ‘Not A
Million More, Not A Million Less.’ But I’m a bit busy until then.
Who was your
inspiration to begin writing?
It’s a difficult question to answer. You see, I’m not a
writer, I’m a story teller. And that is a God given gift. Anyone who’s well
educated or well-read can be a writer. But story telling is a God given gift.
So I’ve been lucky. The inspiration comes every single day, it never stops. I’m
very lucky.
Have you ever had
writers block?
Certainly not!!!
What is the biggest
challenge you’ve face while writing?
If I explained the gathering of people that come to see me
in Mumbai, almost no one will believe me back in England. Put this out on
Youtube and Twitter, because no one believes it.
Here’s the challenge. At my age, I
sure don’t do it for money anymore. That’s gone long ago. But when I pick up
the pen for a new book and I HAND WRITE every word, I think of the millions of
people who supported me throughout the years and expect me to do my best. I say
‘I’ve got to do that. I cannot have them saying that this one isn’t as good as
the last one.’ And THAT is the struggle.
There are no short cuts. I write 14 drafts of each book.
Every one hand written. And I’m never, never satisfied. I think, sometimes in
the middle of the night, of one word I want to change. That’s how demanding I
am. I would hate to go to a place and see only 20 people there to greet me
because the rest didn’t think I had written as well as I did in the past. That
would break my heart.
What book has
inspired you?
I was at a dinner party in Delhi 5 years ago, and I asked an
Indian woman her favourite book. She told me and I started reading the book
that very night. It’s a work of genius. I love every page. It’s called 'Beware
of Pity' by Stefan Zweig.
In 1939, he was the most popular author on earth. He
then committed suicide because of Hitler and his books went out of print. I
think that’s number one.
“Let me tell you one thing,” says Archer.“I believe that the
next generation of Indians will be ruled by women.
And let me tell you another
thing… England will win the World Cup!
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